50 Followers and Happy Shock

I know today is supposed to be Wednesday's Words but I reached 50 followers this week and had to say thank you. I can't believe I've gotten so many kind, supportive people to stop by my blog ,let alone follow me. When I started this blog (from the advice of my friend and fantastic writer Kari) I had no idea how much fun it would be. I read a couple months ago how important it was to build an online platform and just as quickly put the thought out of my head. When I finished a writing course and was almost finished with my first ROUGH draft I asked Kari about blogging. She had been blogging for a short time and gave me valuable advice and suggested I go ahead and start one. Which I did. In one month I have reached 50 followers. I set a goal of 20 for the month of January and squealed every time I saw the number change. I have now upped my goal to 100 by June and think I can get there.

I must say though that I did not expect to have so much advice and support from everyone. I have never met a community of people who are so willing to let new folks in with open arms. For that I give my humble thanks. On a slightly different note I never thought I'd feel so connected to people around the world. I've always kept up with the news and world events but somehow having blogging buddies throughout the world has caused me to perk up every time I hear something about their home country or anything that might be linked to them. From Egypt to Australia to Minnesota to Germany. I find myself cheering for the joyous news and concerned for the unfortunate happenings of these bloggers and their loved ones.

This finding has made me realize that no matter if I get my work published, I will forever cherish this chance to know the writing community a little better. I look forward to blogging with you all for a long time to come. A huge thank you to all who visit and a gigantic blogger hug to you all.

Now that the sappy mess is over come back tomorrow for some kick @$$ villians and some of my favorite baddies.


  1. Congrats on Fifty Followers! Raising my coffee cup in a celebratory toast ... Cheers :)

  2. Congrats on the 50 followers! That's great!

  3. Congratulations on 50 followers!

  4. Yay on 50! I agree about this community. I started up my blog in July, a little concerned about how I could get my proverbial foot in the door. Well, the door was already wide open. No one looks twice when you join in on the conversation. They're open arms out here - and it's fantastic.

  5. Yay! 50 followers. Awesome. I'm totally impressed you set a follower goal. I didn't even imagine such a thing. It really is one big extended family out here on the interwebs.

  6. Joanne,
    thanks, raising my hot chocolate back at ya!

    Thanks a bunches!

    Thanks you too!

    You said it. It's like being a kid at summer camp. They just scoot over at the campfire and hand you the marshmellows.

    Well I'm sort of a freak about goals and list and orderly things so it just made sense. I didn't actually think I would get to it but it gave me some direction you know. Made me get out there and work for it.

  7. Congrats!

    I also fell in love with the community when I realized how caring and helpful they are.

    Now you have a blogger buddy from South Africa.


  8. Misha,
    I knew I was forgetting someone from South Africa. So sorry, my only excuse is I have a migraine which doesn't help my already addled brain!! :) Your right about the community. Thanks.

  9. Congratulations on reaching your first major milestone - good luck with the new challenge.
    It is amazing how far and wide the community stretches. I check every day. It is one of the highlights. :)

  10. Congratulations - I'm right behind you at 49. Can you imagine when we reach 100! ;-)

  11. Congrats on the followers! The blogosphere is a wonderful place, isn't it?

  12. Elaine,
    I know it is amazing. Thanks

    Woo hoo for when you get 50. I know you are right there. Party when we reach 100!!

    Welcome and thanks. Yes I can now say I LOVE this blogging thing. ;)

  13. Congratulations! Fifty-three followers now. And if you really get into the spirit of the A to Z Challenge, you'll hit that hundred by the end of April. Trust me!

  14. Woohoo, congrats on your fifty followers, so awesome :)

    *nods* this writing community of ours is amazingly fantastic!!!



  15. Alex,
    Thanks. One day I'll be trying to follow 500 like you are. heheh.

    Yes they are. Thanks

  16. You are spot on about how everyone is open and how the world suddenly gets smaller and we care about all our friends around the world.

    I have an award for you on my blog.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author

  17. N.R.
    Aww thats so sweet. Thanks so much for that.

  18. Alex is right. If you hang in there through the Blogging from A to Z Challenge you will be past 100 by the end of April. I'd boost that June projection to 200.

    Tossing It Out and the Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2011


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